expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> ANTI FUNGAL CREAM FOR YEAST INFECTION: Anti Fungal Cream For Yeast Infection : Vagina Review


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Anti Fungal Cream For Yeast Infection : Vagina Review

Somewhere in the nether reaches (just a pun,) of my medicine closet are two products I wouldn’t want to be without – clotrimazole and miconazole anti fungal cream for yeast infection. I like to switch between the two to make sure that I don’t build up a tolerance for either.
And if you asked me the top ten items I’d take if I were going to be stranded on a deserted island, these creams would definitely make it onto the list.

Not Just for Yeast Infections

Besides working on yeast infections, anti fungal cream for yeast infection helps your hair grow. It also works great on dry, itching scalps.

At one point, before I realized the maintenance involved in growing your hair down to your butt, I joined a forum for women who wanted to do just that – grow their hair really, really long.
One of the oddball tips I picked upon this forum is that fungicides such as clotrimazole and miconazole help your hair grow by killing pesky fungi of the scalp.

After I stopped laughing, I went to my medicine closet, which has been known to make grown men weep (my husband,) for the depth of products and its seeming disorganization. I selected an open tube of generic “I smite yeast infections cream” and began to carefully apply it to my scalp.

I did this because despite my age, I have the girl gene. You tell me that it will improve my looks and you have a greater than 75% chance that I’ll try it, especially if the product is already in the house, won’t kill me, and doesn’t make me drop IQ points.
Ladies, guess what? It works.

These creams make a handy dandy hair growth nostrum and my only complaint about it is the smell, especially the clotrimazole. While it’s comparatively odorless when applied where it’s supposed to be applied, it smells like yeetch, with a touch of bleetch, when it’s applied to the scalp. The miconazole smells like stale nuts.

So, it’s back to the closet to get some coconut fragrance oil. There now, all better.

Vaginal Cream - Not Just for Hair

Anti fungal cream for yeast infection also makes a nifty undercoat for your make-up.
I’m not kidding. While a specific product line of a specific brand of cream is recommended, it wasn’t in the house, so I used the generic.
Now, I’m in the middle of the worst acne breakout I’ve ever experienced. I’m getting the acne breakout that I never experienced during adolescence. The scarring is horrific and merits an article of it’s own. The prescribed antibiotics are ineffective, except, they gave me a yeast infection, which is why I have fresh product in the house.
Durned if the cream didn’t start to dry out those pesky whiteheads. It also had the effect of a draw salve in bringing other lumps to the surface of my skin.

This is kind of a 50/50% beneficial thing. I’m getting pimples with easy to remove centers, but they do have to be removed.

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