expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> ANTI FUNGAL CREAM FOR YEAST INFECTION: Anti Fungal Cream For Yeast Infection : Ringworm Best Reviews


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Anti Fungal Cream For Yeast Infection : Ringworm Best Reviews

There are quite a number of anti fungal cream for yeast infection for ringworm and this post we will look at the key components which make up these various creams, gels and sprays. All of them fall under the general umbrella group of anti-fungal creams. The reason for this is that ringworm or tinia as it is sometimes known is actually a fungus disease and nothing to do with any type of worm infection.

Best Anti Fungal Cream For Yeast Infection For Ringworm

There are quite a number of creams for the treatment of ringworm and in this article we will look at the key components which make up these various creams, gels and sprays. All of them fall under the general umbrella group of anti-fungal creams. The reason for this is that ringworm or tinia as it is sometimes known is actually a fungus disease and nothing to do with any type of worm infection.

Introduction to Creams For Ringworm

Ringworm is a general name used for Dermatophytosis and is a skin infection caused by a fungi called Dermatophytes. It is a contagious disease and as such can spread easily, especially within a family. It can appear on the skin, scalp, groin and on both the hand and feet nails areas.
It will look slightly different depending on where it appears but is generally identified by a red ring shape which looks rather scaly and is always accompanied by an urge to itch.

Available Cream Treatments
  • Lamisil - This is especially effective for athlete's foot or what is known as jock itch (ringworm of the groin).
  • Canesten - again effective on athlete's foot or the groin area
  • Daktarin - effective on a number of skin rashes including ringworm. Daktarin also comes in a powder form and is more effective when a drying soltion is required. Ringwoem thrives under two conditions warmth and dampness, so removal of these conditions speeds recovery, hence a drying powder works well.
  • Clotrimazole - This is good for ringworm generally,athlete's foot and external thrush
  • Neem - A natural alternative and can be used on nail infections and athlete's foot
  • Bioforce Molkosan - Another natural treatment which contains orotic acid and can help treat any fungal infection.
  • Anti-Dandruff Shampoos - There are a number of these available which help with the scalp treatments and some of these are Head and Shoulders, Nizoral and anything with Tea Tree. These will only help and will not actually cure ringworm.
  • Salcura - These products are available for jock itch or penile thrush and general genital hygiene.
  • Scholl - They do a range of foot creams aimed specifically at athlete's foot.
  • Mycota Spray - This is a spray format and is used often for athlete's foot especially by those who play a lot of sport.
  • Curanail - For nail infections and is a mild treatment applied on a weekly basis.
  • Clearfeet Nail - Again aimed at the athlete's foot market and has a liquid treatment and various nail files.
  • ClearZal Solutions - Again for nail infections
There are an untold number of brand names and various gels, sprays and creams on the market. They all claim to work but in reality some work and some don't. They more or less contain some basic ingredients which help fight the fungus and that is what makes them work.

They come in various strengths and different combinations and it is advised to always ask your pharmacist for recommendations.

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