expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> ANTI FUNGAL CREAM FOR YEAST INFECTION: Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection

Many people, men and women, suffer from a yeast infection at some time or another. It is often a concern of the people find a natural remedy to treat uncomfortable and unpleasant condition. The good news is that there are some natural remedies that really work.

Plain yogurt is a very effective natural remedy for yeast infection. Bacteria in yogurt combat yeast and help bring the infection under control. 

Yogurt can be used internally and externally, but what really should be plain yogurt, no sugar. If you make the mistake of using yogurt with sugar can actually feed the infection and worse, so please be careful. 

One way to ensure that your yogurt has only the ingredients you want to do it yourself specifically as a solution. This way you can ensure that no unwanted additives in the mix.

Garlic is one of the best natural remedies for yeast infection. Most people find that it is a very fast and effective remedy, and as the water and yogurt is easy to get. 

The application of garlic in the affected area can provide almost instant relief from the irritation you are experiencing infection. It is best to use fresh garlic puree, but you can buy chips of garlic from health stores. Either way the garlic will provide great results and fast.

A remedy finally I would like to mention is apple cider vinegar. Again, this is a remedy that is ideal for many different conditions. To do this it is best to put some in a hot bath and have a very soothing effect on the irritated area.

There are some good natural remedies that can be used to treat yeast infection. These natural remedies actually work against yeast infection and quickly relieve irritation.

For more information visit this highly recommended website here and I believe your search for any yeast infection cure will be nailed for good.

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