Penile thrush is a common disease among the male population;
it is caused by the overgrowth of Candida Albicans (the yeast fungus). Candida
Albicans is a micro-organism that grows naturally in most people. Generally,
the growth of Candida doesn’t cause any diseases because there are plenty of
good bacteria in the human body; these good bacteria help control the growth of
Candida albicans.
A healthy person has a balance between the yeast and the good
bacteria in their bodies, once there is an imbalance between the yeast and the
good bacteria, the Candida albicans begin to over grow in the body, a yeast
infection occurs. When yeast infection happens near the male genital area, it
results in penile thrush.
Yeast infections are common in people who have diabetes,
because of their high blood glucose, these people are particularly vulnerable
to yeast infections. Yeast often grows in warm and moist places, such as the
arm pit, the wrinkles of inguinal skin, below the breasts, or in mucous
membranes of the mouth, rectum, vagina or penis. Yeast infection can make
people very uncomfortable.

If the Candida grows in the breast, groin, or perianal skin
folds, you will find a bright red spot surrounded by small dots. These small
dots often have yellow pustules in the centre.
Penile thrush or yeast infection
is common in diabetic men. If you have a penile yeast infection, you will find
a white cheese-like secretion. Skin around infected area is very itchy and has
a burning sensation when urinating.
If your yeast infection is recurrent, which is often the
case for those with diabetes; the doctor will propose a prevention plan. The
plan includes using some anti-fungal powder on the skin, and applying
anti-fungal ointment on infected area prevents repeated infection.
People are more susceptible to yeast infection when they are
taking antibiotics, especially when they are frequently taking antibiotics for
a long time. This is because antibiotics can kill good bacteria in the body
too, thereby disrupting the natural microbial ecosystem in the body, causing
the local flora.
In order to cure penile thrush, the most important thing is
to keep penile skin dry and clean (because yeast tend to grow in warm, humid
environment), so that there is a balance of bacteria and yeast in your body. It
is suggested that you should follow these recommendations below, although there
is no definite proof that these method can cure penile thrush, but they are quite
simple and easy to follow, worth a try:
Wear cotton underwear instead of pantyhose and tight pants;
do not wear clothes made of synthetic fibres.
After swimming, please take off the wet bathing suit
immediately. If you are sweating a lot after exercise, change your underwear.
Do not wear underwear while sleeping, so that air can
contact your penile skin. If you're uncomfortable to sleep naked, then do not
wear pants of your pajamas to allow air to enter easily. Do not take bubble baths;
do not use soap, scented laundry detergent and genital cleansing products.
Although we are not aware whether these things can cause yeast infections, but
they will stimulate the genital skin and make you uncomfortable, so it is best
to avoid using them.
Eat yogurt containing live Lactobacillus. There are
different opinions about whether the yogurt can prevent yeast infection, but
some people believe it is the right approach. After all, yogurt can also
provide high-quality protein and calcium too.
The very important thing to resist any kind of yeast
infection is to control your blood sugar level. You should also try to reduce
stress and get enough rest, and keep the infected area clean and dry.
You should see a doctor; ask him to prescribe some
anti-fungal drugs to kill the yeast. To treat yeast infection in body skin, it
is important to keep these parts of the skin clean and dry to prevent bacterial
Penile thrush or yeast infection can be treated with
prescription or OTC anti-fungal cream. If your infection is difficult to
remove, you may need antifungal oral medicine.
For more information please Click HERE
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