expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> ANTI FUNGAL CREAM FOR YEAST INFECTION: How to stop, control and cure jock itch


Friday, 30 March 2012

How to stop, control and cure jock itch

If you're here, it's probably because your jock itch is here too and you want to stop that unbearable itch right now! First things first, go to the pharmacy and the grocery store and get these items:
  • A bag of Epson salt (get the one with the lavender if they have it)
  • A box of Baking Soda
  • Sea Salt (get the one with the large coarse crystals)
  • A bottle of Dettol Antiseptic
  • Diaper Rash Cream (Thicker the better)
  • Corn Starch
  • Sunburn Lotion or Gel containing Lidocaine (at least 0.5%)
  • An Anti-fungal cream containing either Zeasorb-AF(Tinactin) or Miconazole Nitrate 2%(Micatin)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Immune System Booster

Next, run a hot bath and add 2 cups of Epsom salts, 1 cup of Sea Salt and 1 cup of Baking Soda while the water is running so it will all dissolve in the water before you get in.
Soak in the bath for 45 minutes to an hour, this will calm the itch and help release toxins from your body. When this time has elapsed, get out the bath but don't dry off yet because you'll be rubbing the released toxins still on the surface back into your skin.

Drain the bathtub and take a shower and wash the affected area with an antibacterial soap or if the area is not too inflamed yet, wash with an anti-dandruff shampoo if you can take a little pain but if it's too inflamed it will be a lot of pain for a good few minutes, but it helps to close the sores that cause the itch. Remember to rinse with cold water.

Now to dry off, you'll need 2 towels, one for the infected area and one for the rest of your body. Dry the infected area and rub with an anti-fungal cream for skin infection ointment. Give it 10 minutes to soak into your skin, and then rub in the sunburn cream or gel containing the Lidocaine, which acts as an anesthetic and will help numb the area and calm the itch.

Now you need a barrier between your scrotum and your thighs to prevent chafing, which is the result of your thighs and scrotum rubbing together creating a heat pocket where fungus likes to breed and voila, jock notch.
The first barrier I use is baby diaper rash cream that contains Zinc, which helps to calm and heal the area and usually is thick enough to help to eliminate chafing. The second is a clean gym sock. Cut the gym sock in half from top to bottom and place your scrotum in the space made for your heel and tie the sock(fairly tightly so it doesn't move around) with the two ends around your scrotum and the upper part of your penis shaft.

Wear the sock under your cotton boxers until you’re healed. The gym sock is the best I've tried, because it's made to breathe, it's stretchy so it will move with your body and not against it. It's thick enough to give you some padding so it doesn't hurt when you walk. It will also help to soak up the sweat before it reaches the affected area which usually aggravates the activity fungus, thus causing that unbearable itch. Repeat this treatment step by step daily for a week or until it starts to heal. Change the socks twice daily and wash them with Javel Bleach.

Whatever you do, do not make the mistake I made by trying out baking soda as a barrier because the pain is so excruciating, I almost fainted.
If you don't have time to engage in this process and you need quick relief, there are a few options. Use the anti-fungal cream along with the sunburn lidocaine cream or gel and rub it on the affected area, this should give you a few hours of relief. I keep a little pill bottle with this mixture on me all the time. If you're at home, you should clean the area first with 20ml of Dettol mixed with 200ml of warm water or 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a cool 1/4 cup of water but if it's really red and irritated I would start with the
Dettol because the apple cider vinegar is very strong and it burns, use a clean gauze pad or make-up remover pad to dip in the solution and clean the area. After the cleansing, put on the anti-fungal cream, sunburn lotion mix, top it with the baby diaper rash cream and cover it with the clean gym sock and wear it to bed. Change your sheets often.

The first thing in preventing or slowing down the recurrence of this pesky irritant is to throw out all your pants and underwear that are not 100 % cotton or wool, especially if you’re doing a job that you're sitting down the majority of the time because you need that area to breathe and most of those synthetic materials such as rayon or polyester do not breath.. Neither Cotton nor wool pants are cheap but they'll pay off in the long run because those anti-fungal creams start to add up at 15$ a pop and they go very quickly when you having an episode. Try to take an Epsom salts bath every 2 days as part of a lifestyle change and just add the sea salt, then the baking soda when you have a blow up. Try to keep that area dry and fresh using corn starch or deodorant/antiperspirant or an anti-chafing gel like Lanacane Anti Chafing Gel and rub it on your scrotum and between your thighs, twice a day.

Wash the area twice daily with an antibacterial soap and apply your preventative arsenal after every wash. Sleep in cotton or flannel clothing.
One thing that you should try to do is boosting your immune system. The stronger your immune system is, the less recurrence of this formidable adversary. Here's a few ways to do this.
  • Get a full night's sleep 7-10 hours
  • Daily intake of garlic(garlic pills are the most efficient way of getting your daily supply)
  • Lemon Juice: Mix pure lemon juice with water, tea, salad dressing(in place of vinegar)
  • Eat plenty of protein : Protein is the building block for a healthy body, mind and immune system.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise frequently.
  • Think positive, don't stress.

So far my research reveals that this condition is also caused by the imbalance of yeast in our bodies and can only be cured internally and that most medical doctors aren't versed in the effects of yeast on the body (go and see him anyway because it might be something else) and that's a problem. As I've lost many days of work, many hours of sleep and many cancelled dates in the war with this foe, I've acquired great respect for its ability to overcome and adapt to the antibiotics that our uniformed medical doctors are prescribing us. So until they research the effects of yeast imbalance in humans, were on our own against this thing.

These are just a few ways to aid in the prevention and control of this condition and this is what works for me and I hope it helps you too because it can be a life altering condition if you let it. Don't suffer in silence. You’re not alone. For more information click HERE

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