Read Carefully: Out of my own experience I have discovered a cure and I know it will work for you as many have tried it and have been treated 100% for all nail fungus infections. This post would be removed anytime soon. The products here are the best and is what you should use to get the optimal treatment. Good Luck!!!
The Cure!
Remedy: This one works - don't give up now - Try it - you've tried
everything else that didn't work like I did - now finally try THE LATEST
TOP SAFE NATURAL HERBAL and ESSENTIAL OILS NAIL FUNGUS CURE that does work.N.B. Please follow all advice to the letter.
1 dish ( I use a stainless steel one (13.5 cms x13.5 cms x 6 cms high
which is fine). Large enough to contain your toes and fingers
comfortably.(You won't be soaking your hands and feet together - too
2 glass or crystal nail files - can be sterilised with Alcohol 96%.
Each time you use the nail files use a swab of cotton wool soaked in
alcohol to wipe the file first, file nail while still wet with alcohol,
then wipe the nail. This will prevent clouds of spoor floating into the
air and constantly reinfecting your nails and whoever elses who may be
in the room!.(Refer to my Hints and Tips section about possible
2 nail clippers - large (toes) small (fingers) (sterilise with Alcohol 96%).
Paper towels - (as required)
Anti Bacterial - (the strongest you can find) soap gel for washing hands and showering/bathing with whenever required.
A clock - to time soaks duration.
Anti bacterial talc for use on feet when wearing closed shoes.
1. Oil of oregano.(Essential Oil). High in thymol and carvacrol.
Thymol is a constituent of Vicks and blue Listerine.You can use Thyme
Oil or Amoresse thymol but the aroma is overpowering and I have found
oregano oil to work just as well and not as expensive.Oil of Oregano
tablets (capsules) - easier than measuring out drops etc... (Please
check with your doctor about taking these first).(The recommended dosage
is four caps/tabs per day with meal and further research has suggested
that the capsules are stronger - purer and cheaper.)
2.Tea Tree oil.(Essential Oil)..
3. Neem skin oil.(100% pure, not the hair oil)(Don't forget to shake
really well). This eliminates the need to mix oregano oil with a carrier
oil and reduces the possible irritation caused by oregano oil without
reducing the strength. Neem oil oil has amazing healing properties and
leaves your skin soft and healthy.
4.Silicea tablets (drops or gel will do). Take as per prescribed dosage. (See Hints and Tips).
Place one drop of oil of oregano on your thumb nail/big toe nail - massage into each affected nail until absorbed.
Repeat this process with the tea tree oil next, finishing with Neem
oil. Massage the residue - after applying - of Neem oil into your hands
and/or feet. This will prevent any slight irritation caused by the other
two oils.
Repeat this process three times a day - every day.( I started off with five times a day - too expensive and impractical).
The oil of oregano seems to be the stronger of the three oils , a has
deep penetrative capabilities but applied in this order seems to be the
most effective. There has been some query as to whether mixing these
three oils may reduce their efficacy so do them one at a time to ensure
purity and strength.
Now we NEED to add sulphate to the mix:
Magnesium sulphate has the propensity of drawing out moisture and
drying out the area under the nail in so doing starving the fungus of
its' moist habitat:
Hydrogen Peroxide - 3% strength,
Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts).
Zinc salve (I use Zwitsal nappy rash cream). This is useful to use if
your skin becomes irritated and red from the oils and soak. Oregano has
the tendancy to make your fingers and toes become slightly swollen and
the soak tends to irritate the skin. I have found this cream reduces the
swelling and relieves the irritation and redness immensly. It also
leaves your hands and feet cool and soft and reduces the yellow tinting
the oils give your nails as well as having no reaction with the fungus
infection itself as it seems to be quite astringent. Rub in liberally
after each oil and soak including the whole hand and foot.
Place two slightly heaped tablespoons of Epsom salts into a dish
large enough to contain your foot comfortably and pour over 110mls of
Hydrogen Peroxide.Check every day to ensure the nails are covered with
the solution. I keep this solution in the fridge covered with a plastic
food cover and toss out once a week usually Friday is new solution day.
Soak for at least half an hour each day. When I first started soaking
in just hydrogen peroxide it felt as though I had hit my nails with a
hammer it was so painful but this goes away after a very short period I
think about a week or so - so persevere (I do the soak before the last
application of the oils which I do just before I go to bed at night).
Maybe you could do your hands together to cut down on the time spent
soaking. Do not wipe the Epsom/Peroxide solution off simply let your
hands and fingers dry naturally -Place your feet on a folded paper towel
and wipe your fingers leaving the nail and finger tips to dry
Do these two processes for at least 6 months or until your nails have
grown out to the ends of your fingers/toes and you see that there is NO
MORE discoloration in them. If not, do not give up - I believe that
may be why the other treatments I have tried didn't work.We have this
affliction so just keep on keeping up this treatment.
When the nails are
looking normal again reduce applications of oils to twice a day and do
the soak every second day for another three months - reducing again
until you are only soaking once a week then once a month.
When you start
reducing the oil treatments then try mixing 10 mls of each oil into a
dropper bottle so you don't have to repeat the process three times - the
healing should be good enough to risk mixing them and reducing the
strength of the oils (if this does happen on mixing).So you are
eventually then applying oils once/twice a day and and soaking once a
month. The moment you notice any regression or recurrence of infection
revert back to the original dosage.
Use rubber gloves for dish washing, dyeing your hair and any other activities involving getting your hands wet.
It's a good idea to get your leather gloves professionally treated
and swab all closed shoes and boots with bleach (ammonia) on a well
soaked ball of cotton wool also religiously use anti - bacterial talc
every time you wear your shoes/boots.
N.B. Very important: Bleach your washing up gloves once a week in
ammonia bleach hot water and soap granules used for washing your
clothes. Leave in for at least and hour turned inside out and make sure
they are completely dry before using.
If you cut hair (I cut my husbands hair and he has always had
dandruff which is caused by the candida fungus ergo I'm sure I've been
reinfecting myself all these years! Use disposeable gloves.
Wear gloves when gardening and I have now started using cotton gloves
when I use my ceramic hair tongs.(I don't have dandruff by the way!)
I take two Silicea tablets per day to encourage fast growth of nails.
This stuff has an amazing side-effect. My hair grew from just above the
back bra strap to waist length in about six months! (My husband is 65
years old and these tablets have really thickened his beautiful hair up
well - He is well pleased!)
I also take Maca capsules to help with menopause symptoms - excellent
and has magnesium in it which I'm sure contributes to the cure.(Three
per day).
Now to the "Holy Grail" of wrinkles.This is my Facelift in a bottle! I
have started using Vichy Liftactiv Retinol HA skin and eye creme as
well as their Cellebiotic creme and this stuff really rocks. Known in
USA as Restilane - it really is better than Botox and can be ordered on
the web.HA (hyaluronic acid is the stuff that we lose from our skin when
we get older that keeps it elastic).I saw a news article when this
stuff first came out about a year ago that it is better than Botox and I
must admit I agree - facelift in a bottle and a shed load less costly
Another great thing I've invested in is a "Leg Magic" excercise
machine. Wow! Get addicted to this baby - work out a few excercises for
your top half (facial accupressure points -check the internet for the
best ones for you and bust increasing exercises -place your palms
together at breast height and press together really feeling your boobs
jump and the muscles in your chest and upper arms work and you will
notice your " bingo wings" - "chicken wings" and "muffin tops"
dissappear!) and within a year you will have a figure to be proud of!
The fitness value alone is worth it and it has been such a paragon
against menopause side-effects! The adrenaline hit I get after
excercising really helps the muscular stress attacks and headaches I
endure. I've worked my routine up to four sets of five minutes per set a
day so that's only twenty minutes of excercise but what a difference-
Get addicted now! - Well worth it.
While I'm on the subject of excercise - don't forget to do your
"Kegel's" excercises - look them up on the internet and follow them
strictly to the rule - especially after childbirth. They do work and I
have got into the the habit of doing them every time I visit the "little
girl's room".
Suppliment the above with a good healthy diet of loads of fruit
veggies and steamed or grilled meat (in moderation!) as well as OOLONG
TEA - at least 8 up to 10 cups a day and the weight will melt away -
talk is they are thinking of recommending OOLONG TEA to morbidly obese
folk in the USA to help them lose weight - It apparently has the power
to break down fats in the stomach before they are absorbed into the
system so start off with at least two cups prior to eating and continue
through-out the day - well I'm all for that! - it really works too!
I use sweet almond oil on my arms and legs as a moisturiser -
careful, your fungal friend loves this stuff and thrives on it when
applied! The reason for me taking so long to publish this remedy! Took
about two weeks to solve the problem but yet another learning curve.
Because I have had such a good reaction to the Neem oil in the fungus
cure, I've recently started using Neem hair oil which has rosemary in
it to jumpstart the hair follicles - excellent response and use it
regularily now.
I noticed that after using this fungal remedy process a marked
improvement the second week and by the end of the second month an
amazing improvement so I have included this into my hygiene regime and
accepted that I have this disgusting fungus thing and I now firmly
believe this process is working.
I always had blue/white nails before this fungus and for the first
time in twenty years have noticed the blue/white tinge growing back -
yep it works for me!
If you find you are getting white "layering" or "shadowing" - don't
despair - I did! - keep up the treatment as this whitening of the nails
will fade - this has happened twice now and both times has faded.
If for some reason this cure does not work for you, I can offer you
two possible options: 1.Give it six months if no improvement then
oxidate (soak in pure hydrogen peroxide 3% for six months) then start
the cure over again.2.Take Neem and oil of oregano capsules as well as
doing the oils and soaks. If after one year I find myself in the same
boat I intend to try taking the Neem and oregano capsules myself however
at the moment I'm taking enough clinically and so far the topical
treatment after only just over two months is working to my satisfaction
so I am prepared to wait and see.
I have been using this recipe for 3 months now and am truly delighted
with the results. I am now gearing up for mixing the ingredients so I
can cut down to 1 application per day. I have added 3 small coffee
spoons (approx 1 teaspoon) of Epsom salts to the Neem oil. My first
experience with this was not good as the Epsom salts do NOT dissolve in
the oil (obviously) and so I invested in a small porcelain mortar and
pestle - the type used to crush herbs and spices and ground the Epsom
salts to a fine talcum powder consistency after which adding it to the
Neem. This has proved to be really successful and I am keeping up with
the Epsom/peroxide soaks daily.
Well, just to let you all know the latest update on my saga - we have
experienced several mini heat waves this summer - a real test of
whether the cure works or not and the last few days have been
unbareable. I woke up this morning fully expecting a serious comeback of
the fungal infection and nothing just a warm tingly glow and crystal
clear pink nails! I really believe in this remedy now as I have had the
proverbial book thrown at me weather wise and for the first time in 20
years have managed to keep this fungal thing totally under control and
seemingly GONE!
I have had slight clouding a few times and have just
filed away as much as I could and carried on the oil applications and
soaks as per description above. I must admit I have forgotten or been
too tired on a couple of nights to do the last oil application and have
found no difference in my nails the following morning. I have included
at the bottom of this hub a site for the purchase of Vichy products in
the USA as well.So please check it out!
One thing that I've noticed is that I've become very clumsy with my
fingers over the years. I'm always dropping bottle tops and small things
like that and have frequently been called "Butterfingers"! I do think
this is due to the fungus as now I'm constantly feeling a tingle in my
fingertips gradually decreasing with the sensation of normalcy returning
as I continue with the remedy.
I seem to be returning to normal and the
"Butterfingers" effect is going at last! I have read that this
condition may affect the ligaments in your joints and can even effect
your heart. I can't iterate enough the need to try this remedy as I have
experienced so many worthwhile differences since I started and as the
benefits and improvements far outweigh the total costs - it's well worth
a try! Go on - you have nothing to lose but a few cents and everything
to gain - clear nails at last the healthy way!
I have noticed that when you soak your nails in pure ammonia bleach
you are left with a white shading of the nails that seems to take about
two weeks to fade - so I have stopped bleaching.
Another update on The Cure! - I have always had the question at the
back of my mind that when I eventually find a cure will my nails grow
back normally - as they were before this infection? Normal shape -
colour etc.
Well the answer is a definate YES! I now have six normal
nails on my hands - with the nail and quick or nail bed growing passed
the tip of the fingers and also the shape of the nail is more curved and
not flat as it was when the infection was present. The other four -
pinkie and ring fingers still have a slight bit of infection there and I
have been filing back the nails ruthlessly on those fingers. All my toe
nails except the two big toenails are clear and there is just a slight
line of black under the nail of two remaining infected toes - the colour
and shape of the clear part of the two big toenails is pink and rounded
- this NEVER happened with any of the other so called cures!
I woke up this morning with a tingling sort of burning/glowing
sensation in my finger-tips and noticed the white clouding totally gone.
The colour is now pink with no other yellow or white staining
present.The four remaining nails that had a slight bit of black under
the edges have now started growing out and so have my big toenails! I
remember someone saying a while back that to get rid of nail fungus -
you need to take a pill -
I think it was Dr Oz on one of Oprahs' shows -
well NONE of the pills I took worked, even the Leucatin ones but this
is really working well. I believe now that by trying to strengthen your
immune system and constantly hammering this fungus with anti-fungal
treatments is the only way to deal with it properly. I have not yet
reduced to my intended maintenance course but feel that I'm not too far
from that day!
For the last 3 or 4 days I've noticed slightly swollen fingers and
toes - the weather has been quite warm lately so that may have something
to do with it. This morning however I woke up with a breathtakingly
irritating burning sensation deep down in both the fingers and toes.
After getting in a few more hours sleep (It was really early!) I woke up
and the sensation had gone as well as the swelling. It almost felt as
though the battle royal was taking place - for want of a better phrase!
- and all nails look surprising clear in fact I have set my goal for
Christmas as being able to sport a french manicure on all nails! I AM NEARLY THERE!!!
For the last couple of weeks, I have woken up with an intense
tingling in the finges and toes - it goes away after a few minutes and
reminds me to do my first oil application of the day. I can't believe
how pink normal nails should be ( it looks unnatural!!!) and the pure
joy of being able to feel through my finger tips again! I look at y
nails now and realize just how evil this thing is as it is a stealthy
affliction taking over slowly and sometimes barely noticeably - only
when it really starts dying back do you notice the true difference and
feeling as well.
After 20 years of this thing I wake up every morning
now and study my nails under the side table light for ages before
reporting back to the better half the state of their health! My toes
are clear and there is just a line of dark under the tips of the big toes.
This "tight" swollen feeling comes and goes less frequently now and we
are going into the cooler weather season at last. I have always worn
sandals even during the cold weather and now am really feeling the cold
on my feet and firmly believe the return of sensation to my feet (toes)
has made this possible.
I am still keeping to the original 3 oil
applications and soaks and when all the nail grown with the quick over
the tips and only then will I start reducing the apps of oil. Many times
I've become so frustrated with having to oil and soak but when I've
seen such a vast improvement it has become incentive to carry on - sort
of like losing weight - when you lose and feel and look good it
encourages you to lose more!
I only hope that if anyone realizing this
does not give up to soon and sticks with it as it works and I can only
wish the same pleasure I have from the results and looking forward to
the next summer wearing sandals safe in the knowledge that your nails
are healthy and above all look and feel good! It's been a day or two
just over FOUR months and my fingers haven't fallen off, developed tumors or anything else other than get better!
Just another update. Last night I sat for hours researching comments
on sites about Oil of Oregano etc.. and discovered that oregano oil
tends to make your fingers a bit swollen so that's par for the course! I
was overwhelmed by the amount of people turning away from the over the
counter topicals and hard-core organ damaging drugs that do nothing but
cause harm and empty your bank account and using essential oils and
trying other natural remedies. This tells me that 1. There are many many
people out there with this problem that they have found no workable
cure for like me.
The so called "tried and tested" cures offered DO NOT WORK!
I also read on one site someone (alleged doctor) talking about people
having the fungus infection before going on to develop cancer and after
doing several years research on this subject found out that one gets
fungus through a weakening of the immune system by being ill from the
cancer and that knocks your immunity for six. The fungus then finds it
easy to take hold and the battle begins.
People who have cancer go
through so much in the way of chemotherapy and the like and that is why
fungus takes hold in their systems as their immunity is compromised
through this regime of treatments as well as the disease.
This so called
doctor should not be allowed to comment on this site as I'm sure he is
causing unnecessary stress to people like us who will probably never
suffer from cancer and have enough to deal with trying to cure the
fungus thing.
His suggestions for curing fungus are laughable as how are
you supposed to function normally with Vicks, plasters etc over your
nails all day unable to wash or do anything for that matter especially
for those of us who have fungus in both the finger and toe nails -
really!!!! I believe covering your nails with a substance the
consistency of vaseline as well as plasters is not a good idea as it
seals the area off and air needs to get into the fungus to help with
drying it out - hence the use of Epsom salts - great astringent and
drawing medium.P.S. Hyaluronic Acid is found naturally in the human and
animal body "Dr. T" and is used to improve mobility by being injected
into the synovial fluid of joints.
It is also found in the eyeball and
every cell of the human body and harvested by either using a chemical
process or from umbilical cords. It is not commonly found in foods
unless you are prepared to go to Japan and climb a mountain there where a
tribe of people are purported to consume a root rumoured to contain the
stuff! Hard call that one don't you think? P.P.S. We finally have a
stem cell treatment clinic here in Europe (I stand corrected) - it is in
Belgium and I think that is such an exciting development! (Approx E8000
for treatment for Diabetes).
I would like to iterate the importance of how to treat recurring outbreaks: FILE
I have decided to record the true measure of this cure as I would
want that from a hub or blog claiming to be THE CURE myself and as I've
tried everything available to man on this earth that hasn't worked I
want you all to share this with me as I intend to be as honest as
possible. I woke up this morning, after trimming my nails down to no
traces of black last night, with practically no tingling and sensation
almost fully returned to both my finger tips and toes. I've also noticed
the lines, wrinkles and bumps have gone and the nails are now smooth
and their NORMAL thickness.
The colour is normal pink and the treatment
has left them hard and shiny - Whoopie!!!! They have all grown down to
the ends of the fingers and toes and now I'm going to wait until they
together with the quicks, grow over the ends of the fingers then I will
start reducing the number of oil apps per day.
For just over four
months, the quickest cure I've ever tried! I, like everybody, have got
so frustrated many times but because you notice the improvement quite
quickly,have soldiered on on I will not give up now.
After using Leucatin, the infection returned with a vengence the
following summer and devastated me yet again so I am going to continue
updating for at least a year letting you all know the progress! In it
for the long haul without letting up!
I'm filing/clipping my nails down a little bit every third day now - I
suspect this is due to the the silicea - and the tingling has
definately gone.When you feel the nails tingle I think the infection is
trying to get the upper hand - so to speak - but it tends to come and
go. Oil of Oregano - I have discovered - is the strongest anti-fungal
agent known to man and I have hit on the recipe that works. I get more
excited about this treatment every day as it works so well and am
holding myself back from reducing the apps as I intend to hit the six
month period first before letting my fingernails grow out. Twenty years
of this makes you cautious and you finally realise there is no rush - so
- on with the routine and away with the fungus I say!
I have managed to clear the infection from all my nails bar 3 finger
tips. It keeps on returning to these nails which leads me to believe Dr
Oz is right. You need a pill to really hit it on the head. I am
delighted with the results I've achieved so far and will continue to
apply the recipe as required but have now invested in a bottle of Oil of
Oregano tablets as well.
I am starting off with 2 tablets per day and
will increase accordingly if needed. I tried to get hold of Oregamax but
could not find it here in Holland and found instead Biotics which seem
to have a good review so will keep you posted.
I have been taking these tablets for 4 days now and I am firmly back
on track so I have included them above in the list of ingredients
required but once again please check with your doctor before starting
the course.
Great great great news! The oregano tablets have put me right back on
track!! I now have seven totally normal nails where the nail has grown
over the nail bed and the colour is a normal healthy pink and three
totally normal coloured nails just not yet quite over the nail bed but
down to the end of the finger!
My toenails are all fine but the big
toenails is still growing out and the others are normal.The use of the
oregano tablets has been a bit of a juggling act but I have finally
mastered it. I found that taking oregano tablets with maca, silicea and
efamol a bit much as I felt billious and got indigestion so I have
stopped taking maca and now take one oregano tablet in the morning when I
get up, one at lunch time, one efamol at about 5:00 in the evening and
two silicea when I go to bed. This regime is working fine and obviously
adjust the tablets according to your own needs.
If you need to take them
with a meal as prescribed on the bottle, a banana or fruit of choice is
fine as I am weight conscious and don't need to eat three meals a day
but prefer small prtions of fruit (mangoes bananas pineapple and
nectarines being the favourites) and veg or veg based soup with a small
amount of cheese throughout the day so keeping healthy and slim at the
same time!
The one thing I regret is that I never took before, during and after
photos of my fingers and toes but there are several reasons why I
didn't. 1. I wasn't sure, at the onset whether my cure would ABSOLUTELY
work. 2.There are already so many disgusting photos of this disgusting
affliction already out there that I don't feel the need to add to and 3.
I, like most of you, am infinately sensative and embarassed about
having this 'THING' that I'm rather adverse to admitting it even albeit,
to myself let alone the whole world! All I really can do is to iterate
to you to try it and above all keep it up for at LEAST a year.
Yes I've
had setbacks and frustrations but I really am glad I persevered as I am
now looking at beautiful pink normal nails and GROWING after 20 years of
devastation and dissappointment. My husband has bought me beautiful
gold rings with diamonds over the years that I've never worn and I
promise you at Christmas I WILL be wearing them!!!! ALL OF THEM!!!
I tried, recently, a little experiment on my one fingernail that
still has a tiny bit of infection at the tip and that was to use a
tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the soak. I didn't work at all in
fact the infection went crazy and clouding crept half-way up the nail.
Another interesting observation - it negated the action of the hydrogen
peroxide and no bubbling occured so stick to original recipe - it's
taken me a week to get the nail back to what it was before I tried the
acv but, yet again we're back on track.
Surprisingly, with so much good
news out there about acv, it did not work and only made it worse.
Wondered though whether it was the combination of chemicals or just the
type of fungus I have.
Hello everyone - Happy New Year to you all and of course a short
update! Although I didn't manage the french manicure (nails a bit too
short). I have managed to keep them clear and healthy looking and wear
all my rings so that was good for me. I have got into the habit of
religiously clipping my nails down and have found that to be the best
way to keep them clear so far. If my nails do grow out slightly, the odd
one still shows a tiny sign of areas not quite clear (2 nails) so I'm
not taking any risks to undo the excellent work achieved so far. I hope
that you experience the same from this treatment and will continue to
give you updates until I am convinced the fungus has totally gone. P.S.
Don't try mixing anything with the original recipe to improve it as due
to personal experience nothing does! Keep on clipping and dont scrape
under the nails with anything sharp to remove the dirt - only makes it
I have been using oil of oregano tablets now for some time and apart
from slight indigestion for a few days in the beginning, I have
experienced no side-effects other than the bank balance going down a bit
faster than it should! I have finally tracked down capsules which,
apart from being a lot cheaper, seem to have a purer content and include
70% carvacrol without all the other additives the tablets have that I
feel are not needed to affect the fungus The cost is astoundingly less
and although they seem to be half the strength of oregano oil (tabs -
200mg per tab versus capsules - 100mg + 70mg carvacrol per cap) they
don't have any other additives included.
I have, in the last week,
increased my dosage to four tablets per day with food (if you're dieting
or food conscientious then eat say a banana or portion of fruit before
taking a pill - much healthier for you!) and I'm going to maintain that
dosage as there is extra carvacrol in the capsules. The beauty of using
herbal treatments clinically is that you can increase the dosage
slightly without harming yourself although do this over a period of time
to allow your system to become accustomed to the increase and watch out
for any changes in health and always check with your doctor! I will let
you know how this change has affected things as always and really hope
that if you have tried this cure that it is also working for you.
I haven't had a chance to update lately as about a month or more ago I
managed to acquire a rather nasty chillblain on one of my toes, except
this little beggar went UNDER the toenail. It was obviously being
aggravated by the HP/MAGSULPH dip and so I ceased soaking that
particular foot. That has seemed to do no harm to the progression of the
cure and has not set me back at all - I think just psychologically
only. I have, however, noticed that this infection seems to do what I
call "cycling".
The tingling, burning sensation, coupled with a slight
numbing of the finger tips is usually associated with the recurrence of
the fungal infection and the nails turn a very slight yellow. This seems
to go on for about a week or so and when the sensation goes, the nails
return to their normal healthy colour. It leads me to believe that
although the nails are healthy looking, the fungus is still in the blood
and so the battle continues. I have also noticed, however, that every
time this occurs, it lessens and is not as bad as the previous episode
which also leads me to believe that the fungus is still in the blood
system and presents itself from time to time through the nails with
these symptoms.
I have noticed a marked improvement in changing to the
capsules (valuewise as well) and the ones I am using are called
Bioactive oregano.I am now settled with taking four capsules per day and
usually have fruit or a couple of wheat bicuits to prevent indigestion.
The one bad spot on the finger has all but gone and I am still doing 3
oil apps per day followed by the soak in the evening. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!
This is a long and difficult journey to accomplish and I am now firmly
convinced we don't hammer this thing down long enough to kill it.
doing The Cure this way, we can continue to treat it for as long as is
required without compromising our health as well as preventing other
bacterial infections along the way! Oregano is reputed to do that and so
although it is a real nuisance to have to do the treatment this way, so
is having the fungal infection, so I am prepared to see this thing
through to the end however long it takes!
Brilliant news! This fungal infection has stopped totally presenting
in my finger nails. The toe nails are nearly completely clear although
there is now a sensativity in the very tips of the big toenails and
overall a slight tingling in both finger and toe nails. This leads me to
believe the fungus is still slightly blood borne but although the war
is not entirely won, we are winning the battle!
I feel like I'm building
a boat and rowing it at the same time! - but, to me, this has been
worth it and the people who have maintained that you need to hammer this
thing for much longer than the available, prescribed treatments
suggest, is true,so I'm in it for the long haul! This, to me, is proof
positive that the fungus infections which get into the blood system are
the most difficult to cure and require constantly relentless and
prolonged treatment.
I am still applying the oils separately 3 times a
day and H2O2/magsulph soaks once a day and am currently taking 4 oregano
capsules a day. The plan now is to continue this program until the
nails start growing normally in both fingers and toes and the tingling
has gone.
This is the encouragement I needed to continue because when
you see a positive improvement, you then know that the treatment is
working and the constant, daily drag of having to apply oils and soak
your digits in an irritating, cold liquid straight from the fridge in
the middle of winter becomes manageable and you organize your days much
better knowing that this regime will eventually end and you can go back
to being NORMAL and HEALTHY again! Don't ever lose heart and keep it up -
it does work and I, for one, believe in it, however long it takes. Good
Please note: This treatment does tend to yellow your nails due to the
neem and oil of oregano - especially the toe nails and if soaking in
anti-bacterial soap and warm water doesn't remove the staining then
scrupulously clean hands and feet in bleach will.
Today is the first day I've felt as though I could stop doing the treatments - at least the soaks, but: I AM NOT GOING TO! I
have not reached the "at least a year" stage that I talked about at the
beginning of this treatment so no-way do I intend to jeopardize my
chances of finally succeeding to beat this thing! It is such a good
feeling and I KNOW that come summer I will be able to
wear all the beautiful sandals I've invested in over the last few years,
that most summers I could not.
I have noticed that the nail beds under
the nails have looked slightly red from this treatment and this is now
gone and I will continue to religiously oil and soak until I'm
absolutely positive this fungus has gone and then - only then, will I
start to combine the oils and reduce the soaks.
Nothing has fallen off -
digit-wise and I have felt no side effects from the capsules, apart
from mild indigestion when I first started taking them and a slight
sensativity on the skin around my toenails and instep only but that has
gone and when the skin on my feet gets itchy, I find that Zwitsal zinc
salve (a nappy rash cream) works wonders. I hope that if you are giving
this cure a try that you are getting the same positive response as I am.
Good Luck!
One thing that has stayed with me for many years is that a nail
beautician, working in a shop close to where I worked back in Africa,
said that when the treatment is over, has worked and your nails are
clear and growing out normally, you will find them to have become really
hard and difficult to clip - well, that is now happening and I struggle
with the nail clippers now so much so that I tend to use the crystal
nail file all the time so hopefully this is another good sign that I'm
winning the battle!
The next big obstacle now,is to get through summer without
regressing. We have had a really long, cold "Big Freeze" winter here in
Europe and I'm cautiously optimistic about summer this year. Most
summers, the fungus had returned with a vengeance and this time I'm
hoping for the best but I believe the proof will be in the pudding and
am ready for it.
I will, as usual, keep you all updated as summer
progresses and at the moment, things are still going great, so here's
hoping! P.S. Only three months to go before my year of treatment is up!
We definately don't treat the infection long enough. If it regresses
then we never killed it in the first place.
Here are two invaluable tips for those of you following this
treatment - I found out quite by accident and have noticed to be of
great benefit during this treatment! My husband came home, the other
day, with a couple of pairs of socks I needed to replace the ones I've
used and abused during this cold winter, which are now falling apart!
These socks are called "Bamboo socks", reputed to have bamboo in their
make-up and they really are an amazing treat for the feet for those of
you who are feeling the effects of the continuous irritation from the
oils and soaks. They are like walking with clouds on your feet and well
worth the couple of euros' paid for them.
The other useful hint, also
found by accident is the zinc salve I've started using lately. It
reduces the swelling/tight feeling and does not encourage the fungus
infection, leaving your feet and hands feeling smooth and relieved from
the effects of the treatment as well. I've also noticed, the yellow
staining from the oils is reduced and please still DON'T be tempted to
bleach whatever you do as it still burns like crazy.
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A couple of weeks ago, I, against my own better judgement, decided to
bleach after soaking for about an hour, in a ph neutral soap and warm
water! Well, this, as usual, ended in the last two to three weeks of a
really itchy, burning sensation as the bleach had gone into the hair
folicles of my toes and really made things uncomfortable! (Dancing
around the place ,scratching like a person possessed and the two of us
getting very little sleep!)
As as a result, after struggling with the
oil applications and soaks, I decided I could not handle them any more
and two months shy of my predetermined goal of completing a year's worth
of this treatment, felt it was now a good time to stop both the oils
and h2o2/mag/sulphate soaks. I did this with great trepidation as I
fully expected things to go back to what they were when I first began
this whole excercise! (The worlds greatest doubting Thomas!)
My nails had lost the yellow tint from the oils within three to four
days, the swollen tightness has gone and the fungus has NOT returned!!! I
am delighted with the results and know I can return to the treatment at
any time, if neccesary. I am still taking FOUR oregano capsules, and
the last time I went to the shop to purchase them, was advised that a
stronger version of the capsule is now available on the market so having
done the cost calculations, this could be an advantage in the future.
The capsules I'm taking now are 100mg and the new capsules contain
175mg. WHOO HOO!! Will keep on updating regularily! Good Luck All!
OOPS! Within a day of announcing going off oils and soaks, there it
is again - a small cloud on the horizon of one of my pinkies - so it's
back to plan A! No problem - the temper tantrum's done and quiet
resignation has now set in. Insidious this thing is, It is not going to
defeat me now.I will add, however, that they have gone back to their
original healthy state even though I now know the fungus still lurks
I have battled the last few weeks, after using bleach and have come
up with a rather useful tip that you can try if you find yourself in the
same boat as me! (hopefully not!) As the bleach burnt the hair
follicles around my toes (only 3 of them on one foot), I found the
irritation really annoying when the weather started to warm up and
sweating began. As I am now back on the soaks and oils, I find that the
treatment exacerbates the situation so I now spray plastic skin over the
affected area (called plastic plaster here) and it has really solved
the problem. Amazingly useful stuff that! Glad to report no further
breakouts and status quo! Roll on summer.
Apologies for not updating you all for such a long time but due to
losing my precious, little dog, I have been unable to think about much
else - however, back on track again I report that after stopping this
treatment for about a month, resuming and adjusting it, I can now give
my latest findings. During my stoppage, I found my toenails went a bit
yellow - only the toenails, however, so back to the drawing board and I
have done a lot more research to see if I can improve as this thing is
obviously still in the system. I have discovered , and have now been
doing , for about a month now, an increase in the oil of oregano
capsules. I was taking 3 capsules per day (100 mg per capsule) and have
found out that this dose can be doubled, (600mg per day). The advice is
to increase the dosage slowly, which I have done and I have stopped the
soaks in h202 and magnesium sulphate. I have also stopped the Tea tree
oil and Neem and am pleased to report that it is working fine, In the
beginning of this reduction, I needed to soak every third day but now
have stopped. I keep the other oils and soak stuff on hand in case I
need to resume but so far so good! Will keep you in the loop regularly
from now on. Good Luck!
When I researched the above advice, the suggestion was that you will
notice a difference in four months - I feel, because I have been using
the oil and capsules now for about a year, this had quickened the
reaction as it was basically a case of increasing the dosage and cutting
out the other oils together with the soak. I noticed a vast improvement
the second week and have now all but cleared the infection. I intend to
keep this regime up for at least six months and, at this minute,
believe it will work. I know that my previous regime has helped
enormously and have not regretted doing it but now we are over the hill
and on the home stretch so there's no going back and if any of you have
opted to try this cure, I hope you have received the same success as I
- According to th research, the use of this new regime of 6 capsules per day as well as the topical application of oil of oregano, should only show effect after four months, well I noticed a vast improvement after only a week and can now officially report that all visible signs of the infection have gone!!!!!
- My nails are now CLEAR and my fingers and toes are back to normal with no swelling, The tingling has almost gone and I am still taking 6 capsules per day, although, have reduced the application of oil to twice a day! I did not get to wear sandals, this summer however, next summer will definately be showing clear, pink, healthy digits all round and am looking forward, so much to getting them exposed to the fresh air!
- My nails are now down to the tips and I will only try to grow long fingernails after Xmas! It has been a long, hard slog but so has the last 20 years or so, having this damn thing constantly and this cure has been well worth all the ups and downs and the effort put into it. I am now skin tag-free, almost (I will NEVER totally trust that it's gone until at least a year since giving up the treatment has passed!) fungus-free and ready to take on the summer fashion in sandals, next season! I am reserving my complete judgement until winter is over and will continue to take the oregano, albeit reducing the dosage slowly, through next summer. I will let you all know of any changes etc as I go on but, for now, can only say this. The moment you get this infection, visit a doctor to establish that it is a fungal one and try and establish the type of fungus you have. There are so many different types of fungal infections out there and do the research before you invest in costly drugs and topical treatments that can be dangerous and more often than not, don't work. Above all, be consistent with the treatment you decide on and never give up - there is light at the end of the tunnel - you just have to stride right down there and turn it on yourself! Good Luck!!!!!!!
- Make sure you drink plenty of water (8 glasses) to wash away the toxins and cut down drastically on the intake of alcohol with this new regime.
I remember talking about CROC'S - the plastic clog-like shoes
somewhere on one of my hubs a while ago but can't actually put a finger
on my factious comments right now! I said that when hell froze over and
the devil was tossing snowballs that I would wear these things! I
called them "trailer- trash trainers" and had a chuckle at a Sky news
report, a few years ago, about a woman who traveled regularly to U.S.
of A. to invest in the latest trend in this fashion! This was BR.
(before recession), when the U.S. $ was way more stronger than the UK
pound is now.
Well, my how we end up swallowing our own words and ergo,
choking on them! They simply rock for people with our affliction and I
have now invested so wisely in my SECOND pair! My daughter found a
pair of Croc bandnation ones on sale for $5:00 at her favorite
supermarket in Florida and sent them to me and as I have started seeing
both men and women wearing them everywhere here in Holland, will wear
them out with pride and live in them!
They are comfortable, fashionable
and hygienic as they are easy to wash and sterilize (wash with
anti-bacterial hand soap and wipe with bleach - soaked cotton-wool) and
dry using a kitchen towel.! They are really the answer to our prayers
and I am so pleased I finally "saw the light!"
Well, now's the time to talk about yet another symptom of this
affliction, this stage of which I have just entered into and, until
recently, had no idea even existed, even after all the research I've
done and actually having this thing for nearly 20 years.
About just over
a week ago, I started feeling really ill, billious followed by a
seriously severe migrane only to wake up in the morning feeling fine -
thinking I was suffering from either liver failure or severe menopause
symptoms, it was time to go back to the research drawing board and I
subsequently learned about "die-off symptoms"
I will include the link
below to a good site explaining , in detail, this foul stage but will
endeavour to enlighten you all with my own experience, I had all but
given up alcohol (wine) and coffee as advised but occasionally succumbed
to the odd 1/2 glass to relax when the stress attacks got a bit out of
hand, followed by a small coffee to round off the day. These two have
lately seemed to trigger off the awful ill feeling followed by a migrane
that even lying down could not assuage.
I gave up both guilty pleasures
and felt much better. My dizziness has returned and lately, have
noticed floaters when I look sideways at a white wall. Apparantly, all
symptoms of the die-off period of this fungal treatment. The advent of
toxins (dead matter) in the system, going through the organs can cause
this so it is IMPERITIVE to consume, at least 8 glasses of water per day
to flush them out.
I have found that this also takes away headaches and
improves your well-being generally. This is an indication that the cure
is working and the resulting toxins are being flushed out
systematically through the system. I am going to continue the treatment
until after Xmas when I will revue the situation and hopefully, start
reducing the dosage!
WoW - what a difference!!!!!!!!!About 2 weeks ago, there was a tiny
"cloud" on one of my ring fingers so out with the clippers, cotton-wool
and alcohol and away with the "offender". All that's left on my fingers
were 2 tiny, black spots at the end of the nails. After infecting the
toes, it started off in my fingers under these nails and the left hand,
ring finger, was the first to show.
It has now left in the same manner
it started, i.e: leaving that finger last. In a certain light, you can
still see a small amount of slightly red under the nail, clearly
defining the growth of new, healthy nail so I will continue the cure
until that has gone.
I have also noticed, more so, the same happening in
my toes and where the nail meets the side of the toe at the tip, these
black, dead skin cells are rubbing off when I apply oregano oil. I have
had, recently, on two occasions, had to stop applying oil to the left
toe nail (the one that was first infected) as it has become swollen and
inflamed, too painful to treat.
When the swelling subsides, I resume
without problems but make sure the inflammation is totally gone or you
will just irritate it again.This infection leaves as dead, black, really
hard skin cells which is probably why it gets into the system and not
the nails. The increase of water in the diet is paramount at this stage
as we need to flush out all this dead stuff clinically in order to
encourage our immune systems to strengthen and ergo fight the infection
without help.
My headaches, tension and fatigue have all been addressed
with the intake of water and as I previously attributed these symptoms
to the menopause, I now know that this was not so, being a side-effect
of the oregano capsules which is normal. I wake up every morning and
inspect my nails under a strong light, with joy now as they are looking
so good. The slight burning sensation is lessening , but still there - a
reason to continue as well
Well, Saturday was the last clipping of the nails that removed the
discolouring and Sunday I woke up feeling great! Nails, both toe and
finger, looking and feeling normal and no "die-off" side-effects! Little
was I to know that Monday would be a different story altogether!
I woke
up this morning with a thudding migraine, the new dog nearly got
relieved of life by being ejected downstairs and there was some moron
playing funereal, classical piano on my favourite daily soapie, both of
which I can normally handle, but today of all days was not the day!
These "die-off" symptoms are really getting me down. I feel as though
I've got a bad dose of flu but it's almost as if I can "peel" it off,
like the layers of an onion and if I just take a paracetamol then I will
be fine. It's really a stange feeling and I can liken it to a drug
addict going cold turkey after nearly 20 years of addiction.
when you think of it, it's a similar thing - your body has got so used
to having the fungus everywhere in your system to deal with that when a
treatment works and starts destroying the infection, your immune system
is going to have a bit of a problem as well as the organs involved with
filtering the dead stuff out the system so it's bound to make you feel a
bit out of sorts.
Yesterday, I failed to complete my quota of 8 glasses
per day of water and I am paying for it today! It really is crucial to
flush out your system at this time, if only to relieve your head etc but
mainly for your kidneys, liver and general health! My poor husband now,
really has a disability - His wife! I remember many years ago doctors,
when prescribing a course of antibiotics for a viral pneumonial
infection, saying to finish the course, even if you're better and
feeling fine.
I will finish this one when I have grown nails and am able
to wear nail varnish and not before - I am not going through this ever
Yes, the news is it gets waaay worse before it get gets better - be
forewarned and well prepared! I've suffered for about 6 weeks now and
have had to swallow yet another bitter pill - My words! I've HAD to
address the diet subject as certain (most) foods have made me feel
really awful - no fats, sugar, carbs and alcohol, it's now at the trial
and error stage and if I eat or drink something too rich in the
previous, I know all about it an hour or so later.
I had to give up
vinegar dressing as that made me ill as well. I feel really good in the
up times but eat something that feeds the fungus die-off and I pay
dearly! Needless to say, the nails are now looking normal and my one toe
joint that was slightly swollen is now back to normal. There is a very
slight tingling going on but the burning sensation has now gone - whoo
hoo! I cannot find anywhere, an indication as to when to stop once you
reach this stage so I'm reducing the dose of oregano capsules to 4 per
day (400mgs) and have stopped all else. (soaks and oils).
I found a site
that advised a course of 6 months of Oil of Oregano and have just
completed that, also found that when your die-off symptoms subside, you
can increase the dosage again. I am going to stay at 4 caps per day
until I'm absolutely sure this thing has gone and then decide from
there! Dietwise, I stick to LOADS of filtered water, steamed veggies
(broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and tomato with a sprinkling of lemon
juice, salt and a clove of FRESH garlic per day) brown rice, half an
apple (medium rated in the sugar dept) low-fat yogurt, tea with o% fat
milk and the occasional cappucino, all of which seem to give me no
reaction and great for weight loss!
I have also tried low-fat cottage
cheese, cucumber and chicken - steamed, of course, but if you get a raw
chicken breast, slice it and fry it in a non-stick frying pan with no
oil, tomatoes and a clove of garlic with 2 tblsp low-fat, natural yogurt
and lots of sea-salt and freshly ground pepper, on a low heat, you will
have quite a safe, tasty variation. I also take about 2 tblsps of
cooked, brown rice and cover it with a chopped-up, fried tomato - done
in a non- stick frying pan, with the lid on and no fat, low heat and
when cooked, add lots of sea-salt - delicious and can be served with the
There is so much on the web about the candida albicans diet
that it all gets a bit confusing so I've taken what works for me from
them and have stopped getting frustrated at the conflicting advice -
just use your common sense and you will have to cut out alcohol
completely, for a while, especially wine - bummer! Well worth the
sacrifice though.One big upside is my skin and hair are really
improving, as well as my eyesight is surprisingly clear and the mental
fogginess is definitely abating except I'm hungry ALL the time, for the
very things I can't eat and drink! (apparently, this is the fungus, as
it's dying off, craving for these things).
fellow fungus victims, A Very Happy New year to you all and may you,
like me, experience the joy of finally being FUNGUS-FREE for the first
time in nearly 20 years!!!!!!! This cure has been a long hard,sometimes
painful and lately, sickening slog.
I started off this hub because
this was the only treatment I personally found to be effective for me. I
noticed, within a week, an incredible difference and, with a lot of
patient research, ( patience was all I had at that stage!) found out
some amazing facts and that this cure does work and you also get the
bonus of a few other health benefits to problems that you were unaware
you had.
My fungus started after a run of unavoidable illnesses combined
with serious anti-biotic overuse and ergo my immune system dive-bombed
which, inturn, allowed this thing to take hold. I started with a serious
case of sinusitis, followed by a viral pneumonial infection, followed
by a serious ear infection, all heavily treated with anti-biotics.
Shortly after recovering from the ear problem, I noticed a small, round
blister under one of my big toe-nails - I was treating my son for
ringworm, at the time, as there was a bad out-break amongst the kids at
school and he got a small patch in his scalp.
I don't believe this
contact with the ringworm thing was what caused the nail-fungus as I was
applying his cream with my fingers and not my toes!!! (HHH)
I now
know that due to the tropical heat and constant wearing of sandals, the
infection got in through my toes and due to my immune system being so
weak. Being able to find and use a safe alterative to all the drugs that
are harmful and don't work is a Godsend.
My present status is that I am
going through an attack of sinusitus as the oregano is clearing that
area out as the die-off does it's work. I gave up all pills when I
started feeling awful and "liverish" over christmas and started eating
again soon thereafter, trying small amounts of meat and proteins etc
first to see if I had a bad reaction. It was like a hit and I felt so
much better so I'm now back to near-normal diet but am still downing
gallons of filter water, cutting down on sugar and have a big smile on
my face each morning after checking the nails!
The downsides are not
pleasant but are lifting slowly - constipation, (take low dose of
senacot or tea with the same in), acne outbreaks on face, ( not bad but
hard to heal - use a dab of white, not gel, toothpaste on the spots at
night and wash off in the morning, good for insect bites and burns),
nausea,dizzyness (disorientation) and pressure headaches, (grin and bear
them they're normal and will subside!). The upsides are your hair grows
out really thick, healthy and dandruff free - REALLY THICK!
Your skin
overall improves greatly and I have lost weight (although some mention
has been made of weight gain)! You MUST take extra iron supplements as
oregano prevents your body from absorbing iron and you feel weak,
nauseous and anaemic. So each day I pop a little bit of spinach
(creamed) and liver pate. I have now resumed the pills, albeit, slowly
building up (start with one for a week then two for two weeks and so on -
I am going to aim for three oregano per day and keep it at that until
summer and, if all is well, reduce to two a day.)
You MUST keep up the
intake of water for as long as you can to constantly flush out the
toxins. My tongue no longer sports a "white coat" and food tastes so
much better as well as having fresher breath! You have brain fog also,
very noticeable during the foul die-off but that to has started lifting.
I must admit I felt so sick that excercise was stopped due to the
advice of resting up - you really don't feel up to it, but I have
started again recently, on our daily walks with the new addition (daxie
pup) and get a real health boost after each walk as it clears the head
and invigorates and the cold weather we've experienced recently here has
helped. Basically, it's a game of balance to find out what works for
you, but if you can survive all the difficult things this infection and
treatment throws at you, you will experience the successful results!
Good Luck, God Bless and if you feel really ill, remember to advise your
doctor but you will feel ill with this treament.
I get up every day now,checking for "clouds" and NOTHING! It's so
natural to constantly scrutinise your digits that it comes naturally,
without thinking, fully expecting to go back to being infected any day
now, but NOTHING!!!
I have gone back to the dosage advised on the
package of oregano oil capsules, which is one, twice a day and the
die-off symptoms have gone - the only thing remaining is a slight
burning in my fingers and toes now - good thing because the cure is
obviously still ongoing. It occurred to me today, that these side-effects
are the worst I've experienced from any treatment I've taken, including
itraconazole, fluconazole and ketoconazole. which tells me that it has
truly worked. I've managed to grow my finger nails over the tips now and
they are lovely and white and normal again, so still no nail polish.
large toe nails have a very slight line where they are still growing
out but they are pink, up to this line and NO CLOUDING! Yep - ROLL ON
Put it on: Get it gone!!
Please be fully aware of all remedies on the internet and
seek medical advice before trying them. I am NOT a medically qualified
person therefore no medical malpractice suits here I have just garnered
experience over the years that I am sharing with you. If you are
allergic to any of the ingredients described in this remedy - do not
use. Please read all instructions on the bottles,containers,packages etc
included in this remedy carefully and fully as well as reading all
dosages and instructions on oils, pills and chemicals purchased by
yourself. Do not orally take any herbal or chemical item that is not
specifically intended for consumption and once again seek medical advice
before starting any cure, remedy or claim to curing any health issue
and you should be safe.
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