expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> ANTI FUNGAL CREAM FOR YEAST INFECTION: Anti Fungal Cream For Yeast Infection: A Must Read Yeast Infection Review


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Anti Fungal Cream For Yeast Infection: A Must Read Yeast Infection Review

Yeast infections are a common occurrence among women. Nearly all females will experience this at least once in their lifetimes. Any woman with experience in this area will tell you that it's extremely uncomfortable and needs to be treated as quickly as possible. Today we have a lot of medical as well as natural cures for yeast infection that can give you fast relief.
There is a fungus called 'candida albicans' that causes yeast infections. Lots of people know yeast infections by the name of 'thrush'. While lots of women have some amount of candida in their vaginas there are times when the fungus multiplies and symptoms of thrush start appearing. These kinds of symptoms usually occur whenever your PH balance in the vagina gets out of whack.
If you're suffering from a yeast infection, you're more than likely experiencing burning, itching, swelling, and redness. These infections are usually accompanied by a 'cottage cheese' like discharge with a bad odor. Trush is not considered to be an STD, but it is something you can pass on to your partner when you have unprotected sex. The causes of thrush can be tight or synthetic clothing, wet swim-wear, pregnancy, your monthly period, a weakened immune system, or antibiotics.
There are quite a few pharmaceutical products that can be used for curing thrush. You'll have your choice of creams, oral tablets, or pessaries. The pessaries and creams are put inside the vagina and the contain ingredients like clotrimizole, nystatin, and mycostatin. Oral tablets contain a strong active ingredient known as 'fluconazole'. This will kill the fungus that causes your infection.
If you're pregnant or have any type of medical condition you need to let your pharmacist know it. This is because many of the medications could be wrong for you. If you have yeast infection that is recurring, you need to visit your doctor because there are other health problems that can arise.
If you'd like to try out natural cures before you turn to the pharmaceutical cures then you have a couple of options. Eating natural yogurt is a good one. It's rich in acidophilus and is a good treatment for thrush. The best way of using it is soaking it in a tampon and inserting it for several hours. The acidophilus in the yogurt can kill candida and restore your natural PH balance. Plus the yogurt itself can be quite soothing.
Acidophilus capsules or the powder can be purchased from a health food store or a pharmacy. It can be taken orally or internally for getting the best results. The capsules also help you to prevent any future outbreaks.
Yeast infections are extremely irritating and very uncomfortable. Nearly all women get them at some time in their lives. The good news though, is that yeast infection cures are quite plentiful. You can restore everything back to normal easily. 
Regardless of whether you choose a pharmaceutical approach or a natural treatment, they can work for you and help soothe your troubles.

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